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Daniel J. Simms

The world discovered that superstar celebrity and prisoner advocate, Kim Kardashian, had a secret tattoo under her lip. While many seen it as a small piece of news, millions of prisoners around the Country seen it as an opening to discuss prison reform, as tattooing is the most widely used pretextual tool to infract prisoners and keep them imprisoned. Despite tattooing being a highly commercialized, fully accepted part of American culture and economy, corrupt prison administrators have been using tattoos as a way to oppress and institutionalize fellow troubled Americans.

U.S. prisoners across the Nation have increasingly looked to Kim Kardashian as a spectacularly capable ally to bring prison reform to the forefront in American culture and politics. Prisoners greatly appreciated her intervention in a number of high profile prisoner clemency or pardon cases. Now prisoners are seeking her help with a wider more meaningful social justice advocacy mission. That mission is joining the renown Defund DOC movement, which seeks to turn all prisons into treatment and career centers. The organization strives to end racial inequities, end prisoner slavery, vastly increase rehabilitation efforts, and bring rationality back through sentencing reform. The movement highly needs influencers, celebrities, and superstars to demand prison reform! Simply liking, reposting, and sharing content by these remarkable personages can make all the difference in the world. Basically the difference between success and failure. Therefore all are asked to share this content and all other forms of content from so that the social justice cause gains the worldwide attention it deserves.

The fact is many Americans do not understand the incredible horror and human rights violations that occur systemically to U.S. prisoners. Increased social sharing is absolutely needed to expose the atrocities. Prisoner slavery, exploitation, financial extraction from families and friends, torturous solitary confinement, inadequate treatment, education, and career trainings to keep prisoners ignorant with a slave/criminal mentality. These evil systemic practices keep our imprisoned Americans stuck in a vicious recidivism cycle. While shallow hard on crime politicians use their media bully pulpit to demonize troubled Americans, highlighting rising crime rates, they remain quiet on the failure of mass incarceration.

Virtually every metric that measures reduction of recidivist crime demonstrates the abject failure of past criminal justice policies. At a astounding eighty two percent recidivating within ten years and sixty three percent within three years it is terrible. Hate begets more hate. It is simple human behavioral health philosophy. If you systemically oppress, exploit, extract, enslave, torture, and then release then back into society deeply impoverished without any treatment or careers, eighty two percent will create entirely new victims. Politicians know this. Yet they do not care about public safety more than they enjoy the profits. Mass enslavement and stolen labor wage theft is big business for the State and Federal governments. Why would they voluntarily surrender their slaves? They won't. Unless we the people demand reform.

Every day thousands of prisoners endure the weaponization of petty and pretextual infractions, such as tattooing and mutual fighting, that is used to systemically keep the prisoner slaves imprisoned. We want to end criminalizing all socially acceptable behaviors and even integrating them into educational career opportunities. Certifying tattoo artists. Training boxers, UFC and MMA fighters, in proper professional fighting techniques and regulations, so prisoners can get careers in this fields. This will naturally enable some prisoners to break into careers in boxing, UFC, and MMA training and promotions, which are meaningful careers as well. We can also train prisoners to cultivate, package, market, and sale legalized marijuana products. The potential in our imprisoned Americans are limitless. All that is required is radical prison reform. Yet Politicians are cruelly and corruptly focused on keeping our people enslaved rather than rehabilitation and public safety. We can reverse that.

The only organization committed to such groundbreaking reform is Kim Kardashian and everyone else could help this worthy and innovative social justice cause by simply sharing the posts. Of course we would welcome her, or any other superstar, influencer, or celebrity to get more involved. Regardless we must unite to make a more perfect Union.

Please support our mission by subscribing to our new podcast/blog today and for a limited time you will receive the choice of two free amazing guides, "Prison Politics for Dummies: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Prison Life," or "The Prison Lover's Guide to a Healthy Relationship."

You can go one step further and become a Certified Prison Reform Activist for free, which includes a free digital copy of the book, Defund DOC: Turn All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers, a certification as a Prison Reform Activist, and much more.

Lastly we have created a supporters bundle of three digital books by imprisoned author, podcast host, Daniel J. Simms, entitled "Hopeless in Seattle: A Fosterkid's Manifesto," "The Art of Living: Everything You Need To Achieve Success In Life And Business, I Learned In Prison," and "Defund D.O.C.: Turn All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers, all for the price of one book, fourteen dollars and ninety nine cents. All proceeds go towards our social justice mission.

Ultimately we need all readers to share this so it reaches Kim Kardashian and other stars!

By Daniel J. Simms

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